Harry’s Video Blog – I Am Not An Animal – Tzav 5775
How can we relate to the concept of animal sacrifices? View this video directly on Vimeo
How can we relate to the concept of animal sacrifices? View this video directly on Vimeo
G-d gives us the chance to climb the highest mountains. View this video directly on Vimeo
We do our part; then G-d does His. View this video directly on Vimeo
It’s time to get ready for Purim! View this video directly on Vimeo
Instead of leaders, Moses chooses “youths” to perform the sacrifices at the base of Mt Sinai….
The Torah uses an unusual word to tell us that Moses’ father-in-law, Yisro, rejoiced upon hearing…
While the Jews prepared for the Exodus, Moses went to find Joseph’s bones. But why don’t…
Pharaoh awakens during the night of the 10th plague to find the firstborn of Egypt dead….
Batman plays Moses in the new movie about the Exodus. Good casting? Or should it have…
Jacob is the first person in history to get sick just before dying. Why? And how…