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Getting an Oil Change
I just returned from taking my car for an oil change and safety inspection. I noticed, in shock, that the sticker on the front was over the period and so I rushed to an inspection facility and had it inspected for safety (hoping and praying that I would not be stopped by the police on the way). We do not only regularly inspect our cars, but, as someone who flies a lot, I happen to know (and am very happy that) the FAA inspects every plane on a regular basis. We do inspections all the time; cars, airplanes, fire detectors, hard drives etc. All our transportation methods and many other complex technologies get inspected regularly.
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Getting an Oil Change
I just returned from taking my car for an oil change and safety inspection. I noticed, in shock, that the sticker on the front was over the period and so I rushed to an inspection facility and had it inspected for safety (hoping and praying that I would not be stopped by the police on the way). We do not only regularly inspect our cars, but, as someone who flies a lot, I happen to know (and am very happy that) the FAA inspects every plane on a regular basis. We do inspections all the time; cars, airplanes, fire detectors, hard drives etc. All our transportation methods and many other complex technologies get inspected regularly.
Parshas Vayigash 5773
Survival Through The Family The Jewish family needs both structure and love to stay intact and…
Harry’s Video Blog – Who Was That Masked Man? Purim
Think that Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar? Guess again…
Harry’s Video Blog – Dancing The Hora – Parshat Ki Tisa
G-d tells Moses that the Jews have built a golden calf. But Moses waits to see…
Harry’s Video Blog – Mirror Mirror On the Wall – Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei
The Israelite women donate their copper mirrors for the building of the Tabernacle’s washing basin. But…
Harry’s Video Blog – King James – Parshat Vayikra 5773
Harry recalls a memorable conversation with a client. But it’s not as memorable as a conversation…

Getting an Oil Change
I just returned from taking my car for an oil change and safety inspection. I noticed, in shock, that the sticker on the front was over the period and so I rushed to an inspection facility and had it inspected for safety (hoping and praying that I would not be stopped by the police on the way). We do not only regularly inspect our cars, but, as someone who flies a lot, I happen to know (and am very happy that) the FAA inspects every plane on a regular basis. We do inspections all the time; cars, airplanes, fire detectors, hard drives etc. All our transportation methods and many other complex technologies get inspected regularly.
Parshas Vayigash 5773
Survival Through The Family The Jewish family needs both structure and love to stay intact and…
Harry’s Video Blog – Who Was That Masked Man? Purim
Think that Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar? Guess again…
Harry’s Video Blog – Dancing The Hora – Parshat Ki Tisa
G-d tells Moses that the Jews have built a golden calf. But Moses waits to see…
Harry’s Video Blog – Mirror Mirror On the Wall – Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei
The Israelite women donate their copper mirrors for the building of the Tabernacle’s washing basin. But…
Harry’s Video Blog – King James – Parshat Vayikra 5773
Harry recalls a memorable conversation with a client. But it’s not as memorable as a conversation…