Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt

Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt comes from a heritage of illustrious Rabbis. He is an exciting teacher who has taught for many organizations. Besides being an active teacher for over thirty years, he has founded and administrates several large charity funds and organizations. Professionally, he is an accomplished internet executive who is an expert in VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and author of “Call Heard ‘Round the World.” Rabbi Greenblatt is a founding member of the Gateways Organization.

Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt

Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt is a Senior Lecturer for Gateways and has been involved in teaching and counseling Jewish women for more than twenty-five years. Her insightful and powerful presentations on topics such as practical applications of Jewish philosophy and personal relationships has touched the minds and hearts of all those who attend her classes. Mrs. Greenblatt lectures frequently within the Metropolitan area and across the country.

Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky


Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky is the scion of both Chassidic dynasties and Lithuanian Roshei Yeshiva. A prolific writer, Rabbi Kamenetzky has been an extremely popular weekly columnist in numerous national publications for nearly two decades and an author of ten seforim including the very popular Parsha Parables Series.

A well-known speaker and lecturer whose Divrei Torah and insight are peppered with fascinating anecdotes from his revered grandfather, Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l, his Roshei Yeshiva from Philadelphia to Ponovez, represent a very honest and insightful look at the world through the glasses of someone who has been surrounded by Torah builders. His lectures and shiurim are filled with novel Torah insights, sharp wit yet packed with deep emotion that lead to wide smiles and thoughtful tears.

A native of Woodmere, Long Island where he currently resides together with his family, Rabbi Kamenetzky lived first-hand in seeing his father grow a virtual Torah desert into a thriving Jewish community and applies those life lessons to inspire growth. Despite his many Torah writings and classes, Rabbi Kamenetzky’s most cherished Torah teaching is done only a few blocks from his home at Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore where he serves as the Dean and Rosh Yeshiva.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, mohel, author, and lecturer on topics related to ethics and spiritual growth. He is the author of the bestselling “Maggid” series of books for ArtScroll, inspired by the stories of Rabbi Sholom Schwadron.

Rabbi Jonathan Rietti

A descendant of the Sephardic leader the Ben Ish Chai and son of the famous British actor Robert Rietti A”H, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti is a senior lecturer for Gateways.  With a master’s degree in education, he has practiced for 27 years as an educational consultant to parents of gifted children and those with ADD, and has authored over twenty nine albums on topics including inner growth, health , parenting and Jewish identity.

Mr. Harry Rothenberg, Esq.

Harry Rothenberg, Esq., a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. His firm is one of the leading personal injury law firms in the United States. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, his favorite project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.

Rabbi Mordechai Suchard

Program Director and Speaker
Rabbi Mordechai Suchard is the son of a prestigious Rav and former Dayan on the Johannesburg Beis Din, Rabbi Suchard is the Founder and Director of Gateways. He studied in Telz, Cleveland and Ponevezh, Bnei Brak. For the past 24 years, he has devoted his time to building Gateways into a premier education powerhouse that engages collegiates, young adults, families, singles and Russian immigrants in the United States and abroad to nurture and sustain Jewish identity, strengthen their connection to Israel and make informed decisions about their Jewish future.

Rabbi Akiva Tatz

RABBI AKIVA TATZ is a South African born physician, author and lecturer. Rabbi Tatz spent a number of years concurrently practicing medicine and engaging in Talmudic study in Israel. His books on Jewish thought and philosophy include: “Anatomy of a Search,” “Living Inspired,” “Worldmask,” “The Thinking Jewish Teenager’s Guide to Life,” “Letters to a Buddhist Jew” and “Will, Freedom & Destiny.” Rabbi Dr. Tatz’s Jerusalem Medical Ethics Forum teaches and promotes knowledge of Jewish medical ethics internationally, and he has recently written a textbook in this field. He currently teaches at the Jewish Learning Exchange in London and internationally.

Mrs. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff

Program Director and Speaker
Noted teacher, author, and relationships and parenting lecturer, Mrs. Jungreis-Wolff is the leader of Hineni Couples and daughter of Rebbetzen Esther Jungreis A’H. She is the author of the parenting handbook, “Raising A Child With Soul.” She gives weekly classes and has lectured throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Panama, and South Africa.

Shmuly Schneider and Choir

Shmuly Schneider is a talented singer known for his heartfelt and uplifting music. His rich, warm voice and genuine flavor evoke a heimish sound reminiscent of legendary artists like MBD and Avraham Fried. Shmuly’s songs strike a perfect balance between hartzig (heartfelt) melodies and contemporary energy, making them a favorite among Jewish music enthusiasts


Entire Hotel Exclusive to Gateways


All-Night Learning


Each day of the program


Shiurim b’Iyun


Open All The Time


For Children


Lavish Kiddushim


Gourmet Meals


Available Every Night

Aaron Leshinsky


Originally from Lakewood, Aaron Leshinksy lived in Israel in the early years of his marriage where he successfully made many shidduchim. Aaron now lives in Lakewood with his wife and kids, where he has established himself as a leading, sought after shadchan. He is a caring personable shadchan with countless successful shidduchim to date. We are delighted to have him as part of the Gateways Connections Team.

Fayge Rudman

Mrs. Fayge Rudman has over 20 years’ experience working in shidduchim and has been a full-time Gateways shadchan for the last ten years. She focuses on singles in their mid-twenties and up, as well as second time singles. Fayge runs events that bring together hundreds of singles from throughout the United States and Canada. She has written for Binah, Ami and the Jewish Press, has been featured in Jewish Action and Inyan and she has appeared in ‘Match and Marry’, a documentary about today’s shidduch world. Known for her sensitivity, warmth and intuition, Fayge lives with her family in Monsey, NY.
Fayge Rudman

Armon Hotel and Conference
2701 Summer Street, Stamford, CT 06905
Armon Hotel Website

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