Harry’s Video Blog – I Don’t Roll On Shabbat – Parshat Va’etchanan 5775
Unplug yourself on Shabbos. View this video directly on VIMEO
Unplug yourself on Shabbos. View this video directly on VIMEO
Their sin took place thousands of years ago, but the story of the spies still haunts…
Before the first personal injury attorneys opened their offices, what happened to people who killed others…
G-d makes Bilaam’s donkey talk. But what happens next is more astonishing. View this video directly…
Is it ever OK to gloat? View this video directly on Vimeo
While the Jews prepared for the Exodus, Moses went to find Joseph’s bones. But why don’t…
Pharaoh awakens during the night of the 10th plague to find the firstborn of Egypt dead….
Last week’s Torah portion ends with the triumphant return of Abraham and Isaac from the Binding…
The twins, Jacob and Esav, grow up together then go their separate ways. Harry Rothenberg wonders…
Why do we head outside on Sukkot so soon after Yom Kippur? View this video directly…